Our offer
However much support you require, you can rely on GEDOUIN and take advantage of our made-to-measure services :
1. Preliminary studies
From the birth of your project, GEDOUIN Ingénierie does its utmost to come up with efficient solutions to satisfy your requirements. To achieve that, its teams carry out a detailed analysis of what you already have using several methods.

Technical checks to ensure the land is suitable :
We work alongside you to ensure the land you have chosen is suitable for the installation you are planning.
Feasibility studies :
In a succinct programme involving the plans, budgeting and the provisional schedule, the technical and economic feasibility of the project can be studied. The pack that is drawn up enables you to present your project to various partners: banks, official bodies, …
Master plan :
Based on one or more sites, this enables a list of problems to be identified and a programme to be defined, including diagrams, various sketches, and a folder with all the plans for the chosen solution with figures, the timetable and provisional schedule.
Drawing up the building work schedule :
Help with defining and developing the schedule.
Defining the equipment :
Help with identifying machinery and processes taking into account production goals.
2. Design / construction
GEDOUIN Ingénierie is your special partner for your property projects from the initial surveys to the construction. To achieve this, the firm employs its engineers, building economists and machinery experts, as well as building site managers to offer you an all-round solution as your contractor.

Business consultation documents and bids for tender :
Preparation of the business consultation documents with specifications and plans.
Assistance with the choice of firms and contract elaboration procedures :
Business consultation, comparison of the offers received, organisation of decision-making meetings, drawing up the work contracts.
Verification of work plans :
Approval and coordination of the plans presented by the various firms involved.
Monitoring the progress of work :
Scheduling, checking, coordinating, technical details, managing the work, verifying that the job done matches expectations and what is defined in the construction documents.
Assistance with the signing off of work :
Pre-handover meetings, checks, drawing up the documents to sign off the work, monitoring the lifting of reservations.
Assistance with getting the premises up and running :
Getting the facilities into service with help from the project manager.
3. Wide range of surveys on offer
The building and food manufacturing experts at GEDOUIN Ingénierie carry out surveys or audits depending on your needs to guide you in optimising your facilities :

Flow surveys :
Studies concerning quality (diagrams), quantities (with analysis of the figures), modelling, recommended solutions.
Studies on improving productivity :
Analysis of flows and volumes, surveys of each section, studies concerning the mechanisation/automation of your production, assistance with the application of procedures.
Environmental studies :
Audits and studies linked to sustainable development (environmental protection, energy consumption, evacuation of waste water, …)
Technical audit :
Refrigerated facilities, Low current / high current electrical circuits, ventilation, air conditioning, fluids, and plumbing.
Industrial audit :
Building, services and equipment, administrative, safety, environmental concerns.
Safety audit :
Fire protection, labour laws.
Assistance with drawing up hygiene documents :
Flow charts, plans, description of materials.